Wonder Pets! is an American animated children’s television series. It debuted on March 3, 2006, on the Nick Jr. block of the Nickelodeon cable television network and Noggin on the…
When an aspiring young artist is forced to join her high school track team, she uses it as an opportunity to pursue the girl she’s been harboring a long-time crush…
After a mysterious school opens across the street, the students of Super Hero High find themselves up against a new threat. Now, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl and the rest of…
When Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Bumblebee and Katana suddenly realize they cannot remember a single moment from their Monday at Super Hero High, the young DC Super Heroes spring into…
Super Hero High is facing off against Korugar Academy in the Intergalactic Games, but Lena Luthor takes advantage of the gathering of Supers to enact her villainous plan.
Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Bumblebee, Poison Ivy and Katana band together to navigate the twists and turns of high school in DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the…
School is in session for DC Super Hero Girls! This is where students master their super powers, brain power, and will power to become the Super Heroes of tomorrow. When…