Don’t Panic! The story of Arthur Dent, an average Englishman who life was spared by his friend, who turned out to be an alien, while the planet Earth is destroyed….
Sharpe is tasked to protect the most important spy in Lord Wellington’s network, but domestic issues, a traumatized young girl, and possible French spies all threaten his success
In the late 1950s, British police officer Tony Aaron resigns from the force after sleeping with Hazel, wife of the man whose house he was supposed to guard. In his…
School headmaster Brian Stimpson is obsessed with timeliness, order, and discipline. Brian misses his train after meticulously preparing a speech for an education conference. With no one else to turn…
One hot June day, three friends decide there is nothing they would like to do more than to get away from London. A boating holiday with lots of fresh air…