In this deliciously dark comedy, a woman desperately attempts to reunite her husband’s amputated leg with his body before his funeral, leading her on a wild goose chase across Taipei…
Po-Ching is an OCD patient with serious symptoms of mysophobia. His “quirkiness” has also isolated him from the general public and people see him as a completely weirdo. Po-Ching goes…
A film about the tormenting presence of absence. A young shop girl named Xiao Mei suddenly vanishes from her usual existence, without explanation or trace. Has she dissolved, or perhaps…
Security guard Pickle and his trash collector friend Belly Button kill time together in night shifts watching the American-educated boss’s dash-cam recordings of his various sexual encounters with women. Against…
We’ve all seen on television the weirdly enthusiastic people selling once-in-a-lifetime-deal jewelry, invisible bras and magical sports equipment that can give you a flat belly. This film delves into the…
The campus geek rescues the most attractive campus girl from a dried lake after she falls in. Legend has it if two people meet at the lake when it’s dry,…
10+10 is a project initiated by the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival to demonstrate the solidarity between Taiwanese film-makers. 20 directors are invited to make a 5-minute short film each…