Jimmy Two-Shoes is a Canadian animated television series that aired on Disney XD in the United Kingdom and in the USA, and Teletoon in Canada. The series were centered around…
To prevent her family from canceling the “Chamberlain Family Christmas Olympics,” Jessie lies and says she’s inviting a date to the long-standing holiday tradition. She meets Bryan on a dating…
Barbara O’Brien, an Irish Catholic mother, has her life turned upside-down when her son, a freshman in college, is involved in a tragic hazing incident. Taking justice into her own…
Resolving to achieve professional success without compromising her ethics, Lucy embarks on a ruthless game of one-upmanship against cold and efficient nemesis Joshua, a rivalry that is complicated by her…
Toronto, Canada, 1899. William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950) fervently believes that he is destined to become Prime Minister, but to do so he will first have to fight his personal…
Lea, an adventurous and free-spirited thirteen-year-old, lives in idyllic Upstate New York with her academic parents. On the day her family prepares to relocate to Houston, her life takes a…
A documentary interspersed with acted scenes, this portrait of John DeLorean covers the brilliant but tragically flawed automaker’s rise to stardom and shocking down fall.
When the four Willoughby children are abandoned by their selfish parents, they must learn how to adapt their Old-Fashioned values to the contemporary world in order to create something new:…
After discovering an anonymous journal, April begins her quest to return the book, all-the-while building a fantasy in her head that may compromise the very real relationships in her life.
Meg and Charles Wallace are aided by Calvin and three interesting women in the search for their father who disappeared during a government experiment. Their travels take them around the…