Tarzan is a series that aired on NBC from 1966 – 1968. The series portrayed Tarzan as a well-educated character, one who, tired of civilization, had returned to the jungle…
Tarzan is a series that aired on NBC from 1966 – 1968. The series portrayed Tarzan as a well-educated character, one who, tired of civilization, had returned to the jungle…
Gunnery Sergeant Burns reports for duty to an American Embassy in the Middle East. However due to the ‘enlightened’ views of the Ambassador, the marine security detachment he is in…
Noble nightclub owner Samson does his best to keep his neighborhood clean of crime and drugs. When vicious mobster Johnny Nappa tries to muscle in on Samson’s territory, Samson takes…
A slick, smooth-talking, womanizing young black DJ falls hard for an enigmatic woman he’s just met. Things take a turn for the worse, though, when she is found dead in…
When a native village is apparently terrorized by a Lion, the local sergeant enlists the help of a veterinarian working at a nearby animal study center. It is soon discovered…
Maxwell Slaughter is a kind, heavyset guy who has reached the rank of master sergeant in the army. Admired by handsome young Sgt. Eustis Clay, Slaughter forms a close bond…