The Bots Master is a 1993 cartoon series, produced by Jean Chalopin through his company “Creativite et Developpement” in France. In total 40 episodes were made, each one having a…
Web entrepreneur Abby hides her Texas roots to convince a backer she’s from New England, a task complicated by a trip home and an unexpected reunion with Ryan, her high…
When chef Hank makes a deal with frozen food executive Maggie to save his restaurant, their unexpected attraction complicates matters, leaving Maggie conflicted: Does she choose her allegiance to her…
Moving into his late grandfather’s house, young Jack inherits the old man’s dog, Skipper (Norm MacDonald) – who can talk! With the sassy pooch’s help, Jack learns that Grandpa left…
Via a magic mirror, Twilight Sparkle travels into an alternate universe in order to recover a crown that was stolen from the Crystal Empire. Upon her arrival she is horrified…
The Bots Master is a 1993 cartoon series, produced by Jean Chalopin through his company “Creativite et Developpement” in France. In total 40 episodes were made, each one having a…