Cop Rock is an Emmy Award-winning American musical police drama series that aired on ABC in 1990. The show, a police drama presented as a musical, was co-created by Steven…
Tess loves her mom Patricia and the horse ranch she was raised on, but she’s ready for the next chapter. Attending her college orientation weekend, she gets the surprise of…
Damian Wayne is having a hard time coping with his father’s “no killing” rule. Meanwhile, Gotham is going through hell with threats such as the insane Dollmaker, and the secretive…
A man just released from a mental institution gets involved in a gold mine scheme while trying to avoid the cops, a wrathful drug dealer, and a sultry femme fatale.
After thirty years in prison, ex-con Ronnie recruits his grandson to exact revenge on Darryl, the cop who put him behind bars. Standing in their way is Ronnie’s son, whom…
Fred Z. Randall is geeky and obnoxious spacecraft designer, who gets the chance to make his dream come true and travel to Mars as a member of the first manned…
A joint task force operation between the Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. Army has been formed to dismantle one of the largest drug cartels operating in South America. Multiple…