The Mighty B! is an American animated television series co-created by Amy Poehler, Cynthia True and Erik Wiese for Nickelodeon. The series centers on Bessie Higgenbottom, an ambitious Honeybee girl…
Jimmy Neutron is a boy genius and way ahead of his friends, but when it comes to being cool, he’s a little behind. All until one day when his parents,…
The hilarious story of a restless young farm-thumb, Loke Groundrunner, and his tasty companion, Princess Bunhead, who go on an quest to combat Black Helmet Man and the Evil Thumbpire.
While making his nightly rounds in the neighborhood, Patti’s pet cat D.C. finds himself the carrier of a call for help from a kidnap victim. Patti enlists skeptical law enforcement…
Brad Sexton and his wife, Caroline, are wealthy New Yorkers with both marital and financial problems. The latter issue becomes a pressing matter when they discover that their accountant has…
When a lawyer shows up at the vampire’s doorstep, he falls prey to his charms and joins him in his search for fresh blood. Enter Professor Van Helsing, who may…
A research scientist becomes the world’s first pregnant man in order to test a drug he and a colleague have designed for expectant women. To carry out the trial, he…
Robin Hood comes home after fighting in the Crusades to learn that the noble King Richard is in exile and that the despotic King John now rules England, with the…
In this shocking account based on a true story, newlywed Laurie Wade finds her marriage, and eventually the rest of her life, shattered by her deep-rooted psychotic behavior. The young…
As America’s stock of athletic young men is depleted during World War II, a professional all-female baseball league springs up in the Midwest, funded by publicity-hungry candy maker Walter Harvey….