Viktor Graves, a troubled young man who isolates himself in rural Ohio, survives an attack by a feral man. Soon after, Viktor sees and hears inexplicable terrors surrounding him at…
After surviving a vicious assault in the city, Betsy moves to the country in hopes of starting over, but as she begins to recover, something begins clawing its way into…
Iris is haunted by a mysterious stalker and her own dreams. FBI agents surround Iris while bodies stack up around her. A modern day Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde, Iris…
A fledgling sorority has just purchased their new home, but the inexpensive beat up house has a history no one could imagine. Now as they move in and continue their…
On Christmas vacation,a cynical college student is magically transformed into a bulldog until she learns the meaning of her family and the spirit of Christmas.
A group of young women teamed together in their youth to run a babysitting business, when one of their friends died suddenly the group fell apart. Now years later they…