Cyberchase is an American/Canadian television series for children ages 7-13. The series takes place in Cyberspace, a virtual world, and chronicles the adventures of three children, Jackie, Inez, and Matt,…
Seemingly ordinary Betty Barrett lives a double life as she fights crime with the help of a loud-mouthed alien and a know-it-all robot, protecting the galaxy from the evil clutches…
Years after having her newborn child stolen from her, Sam searches a world infested with infected users from the Social Redroom website. After befriending a young girl named Bean, Sam…
Al Shines, former king of the US race car track circuit, has a hard time starting his own team, once he’s fired by his sponsor Robin Cates. Robin hired Al’s…
Emily, a preacher’s wife, is as faithful a spouse as they come — until her hubby, Ted, takes in a handsome drifter who’s down on his luck. (Red flag!) Emily…
Kate’s boyfriend dies in a fire after a fight over the couple’s unborn child. After Kate is involved in a near-drowning accident a few years later, she wakes up on-shore…
An unsuspecting, disenchanted man finds himself working as a spy in the dangerous, high-stakes world of corporate espionage. Quickly getting way over-his-head, he teams up with a mysterious femme fatale.