Based on Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay’s classic ‘Datta’, Banamali proposes his daughter Bijoya’s hand to his childhood friend’s son, Narendra. But, Bijoya is attracted to Bilas and has always been skeptical…
A hero policeman shunted to a punishment posting as the Dean of the police academy decides to punish the corrupt bureaucracy and its criminal allies in return by training five…
An aged Byomkesh Bakshi and a tale of his family. After 2 years of exile, one night ‘Khoka’ A.K.A Abhimanyu Bakshi surrenders in a police station declaring a murder. His…
Akash and Kiara are trying to find luck in their life after several failed attempts to be successful in their careers and in love. Fed up, they both decide to…
Thirty years on from the 1984 Union Carbide plant malfunction, the consequences of which are tragically ongoing, A Prayer for Rain is the powerful and moving story of the Bhopal…