Deep in the heart of Africa lies Wakanda, an advanced and unconquerable civilization. A family of warrior kings possessing superior speed, strength and agility has governed this mysterious nation as…
Angela the angel takes on the role of a temporary school counselor. Working alongside junior high school principal Bruce Banks, she intervenes in the life of a troubled student Cody…
A young woman dreams of making it big in the world of hip hop, but her parents demand that she finish her university degree. She dutifully agrees to complete her…
After attending their friend Elise’s wedding to Nate on New Year’s Eve, Trista, a career-driven talent agent, Viviane, a successful gossip columnist, and Amaya, a struggling actress, make a pact…
In an updated contemporary version of the beloved stage play and 1989 film, “Steel Magnolias” chronicles the lives and friendship of six women in Louisiana. Supporting each other through their…
Shay is a young African-American college student whom is forced to take a year off from school to return to her hometown where she struggles with her anger and insecurity…
Four couples reunite for their annual vacation in order to socialize and to spend time analyzing their marriages. Their intimate week in the Bahamas is disrupted by the arrival of…
Determined to get engaged before her youngest sister’s wedding, flight attendant Montana Moore finds herself with only 30 days to make a connection. Fortunately, her friends have cooked up a…
Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood…