Moving On is a British television series set in contemporary Britain consisting of standalone dramas all sharing the theme of someone going through some kind of change in their life…
A documentary of the prosecution of Jennifer and James Crumbley for their role in the 2021 Oxford High School shooting perpetrated by their son, Ethan Crumbley.
The history of the East Lake Meadows public housing project in Atlanta and the people who lived there from 1970 to its demolition in 2000, with special emphasis on the…
Carol, timid and reserved, doesn’t like to go out and party. But when she finally decides to step out of her comfort zone and go to a bar, Carol discovers…
A topical yet timeless story about the parallel impacts of both bullying and friendship, Turner Risk focuses on a troubled young man who sets out to effectively reboot his world…
Boyz In The Hood is transplanted to the modern day Chicago neighborhood of Englewood in William L. Cochran’s powerful directing debut. Englewood boldly blends humor, romance, tragedy, and hope in…
Georgie Godwin is the fattest man in Britain. A tourist attraction, thanks to greedy ‘agent, cabbie Morris. Devoted neighbour Janice is Georgie’s only other regular outside contact until he meets…
A female band, who are exponents of “death rock”, retreat to a cabin for the weekend. They soon find themselves being knocked off by a masked killer who uses weapons…
When Dr. Howard Latimer finds the German actress whom he had just met at the London Airport murdered in his flat, he is led into a world of murder, blackmail,…