Cop Rock is an Emmy Award-winning American musical police drama series that aired on ABC in 1990. The show, a police drama presented as a musical, was co-created by Steven…
Theodore ‘Teddy’ Hoffman is a highly-regarded defense attorney in a prestigious Los Angeles law firm. Having successfully defended the wealthy but suspicious Richard Cross in a much-publicised murder trial, he…
Mild and meek accountant Sanford Lagelfost has been charged with embezzling $3 million dollars from Trout Industries. A decidedly mixed bag of jurors are chosen to serve on the case,…
Video game expert Alex Rogan finds himself transported to another planet after conquering the video game The Last Starfighter, only to find out it was just a test. He was…
During the launch party of a nude calendar, one of the models is thrown to her death by a black gloved killer. When the killer begins to strike again, going…