The Littles is an animated television series based on The Littles characters in a series of children’s novels by American author John Peterson, the first of which was published in…
Set in the year 2024 in post-apocalyptic America, 18-year old Vic and his telepathic dog, Blood, are scavengers in the desolate wilderness ravaged by World War IV, where survivors must…
An out-of-work method actor is hired by a male model, an ecdysiast, and a car salesman who live together to save money. They want the actor to listen to their…
A sportswriter who marries a fashion designer discovers that their mutual interests are few, although each has an intriguing past which makes the other jealous.
On Christmas Eve, suffering from a case of writer’s block, screenwriter Mark Christopher and his gofer Virgil get an unexpected visit from Sergeant Maizel. Knowing Christopher is working on a…
On Christmas Eve, suffering from a case of writer’s block, screenwriter Mark Christopher and his gofer Virgil get an unexpected visit from Sergeant Maizel. Knowing Christopher is working on a…
During the Korean War Lt. Sam Pryor volunteers his platoon to escort Greek troops to perform a reconnaissance mission behind Communist lines. Due to his Greek heritage Pryor is initially…