Follows three young, committed Public Defenders who are dedicated to working for the people society would rather forget. Long hours, low pay and staggering caseloads are so common that even the most committed often give up.
Raise the voice, speak eloquently, construct and argue a discourse. Tools so necessary in life as exciting to build. In Paris, the date of Eloquentia, an oratory contest where young…
Riveting look at the politics, big business and the medical industry that has made America the most prescription-addicted society in the world. America is less than 5% of the World’s…
A rare glimpse into the legendary career of wrestling icon, Vampiro, as he grapples with his demons and life after fame. Straight from one of wrestling’s most outspoken characters, this…
Costs and benefits; every decision has both. As the nation grows increasingly polarized with every passing day, we examine a series of wide reaching public policies and their consequences…for better…
What would American democracy look like in the hands of teenage girls? In this documentary, young female leaders from wildly different backgrounds in Missouri navigate an immersive experiment to build…
A documentary about the concrete sections of the Berlin Wall that have been acquired by institutions or individuals since 1989 and are now scattered across the USA. Cherished or abandoned,…