Part investigative documentary, part real-life gangster movie, this film unpacks the life of polarizing rap sensation and internet troll Tekashi69, aka 69, while chronicling his meteoric rise and fall from fame.
Tourists flock to the west coast of Ireland to take in the breathtaking cliffs of Moher, but the real treasure lies in the soulful, acoustic sounds wafting out of pubs…
The origins of Kwanzaa and the seven principles upon which the pan-African holiday derives its meaning are explored in this fascinating documentary. Narrated by Maya Angelou.
An international investigation into the Rajneesh movement. One of the world’s biggest and most successful cults, it had communes in more than 30 countries in the 70s and 80s and…
An exhilarating celebration of the art of rock drumming, featuring some of the best drummers ever to have graced the drumkit. The viewer is taken on a uplifting journey through…
Even more than the previous movie ‘I AM Hardwell – Living the dream’ will let you experience the music. Starting with the 27-year-old Robbert van de Corput, working on new…
Inspired by the viral success of Tony-winner Laura Benanti’s #sunshinesongs, this feel-good docu-special spotlights a talented group of high school seniors as they give show-stopping performances from home to capture…
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having on humans and the earth. The visual tone poem contains neither…
97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and explains the inner…
For the members of the comedy troupe Asperger’s Are Us, it’s easier to associate with a faceless audience than with their own families. No matter who the crowd, best friends…